#employment law

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1 month ago
Remote teams

This CEO Is Encouraging His Employees to Start Side Hustles | Entrepreneur

39% of U.S. adults have a side hustle, some facing employers' challenges. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

Do managers have a right to fire workers for divisive social media posts?

Employers can discipline or terminate employees for offensive social media posts; First Amendment protections do not apply in the private sector. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago
Tech industry

The Sneaky Move Uber and Lyft Are Using to Lower Their Tax Bill

Gig corporations like Uber and Lyft avoid paying millions in taxes by treating drivers as independent businesses, impacting other employers. [ more ]
Yahoo News
1 month ago
Remote teams

Bosses mandated them back to the office. They took legal action instead.

Workers are taking employers to court over return-to-office mandates. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago

Gay couple files class-action lawsuit against NYC for IVF coverage

New York City faces lawsuit for IVF discrimination against gay male employees. [ more ]
2 months ago

What abortion politics has to do with new rights for pregnant workers

Employers must accommodate pregnant workers under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, but abortion politics have overshadowed these new rights. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

This CEO Is Encouraging His Employees to Start Side Hustles | Entrepreneur

39% of U.S. adults have a side hustle, some facing employers' challenges. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

Do managers have a right to fire workers for divisive social media posts?

Employers can discipline or terminate employees for offensive social media posts; First Amendment protections do not apply in the private sector. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago
Tech industry

The Sneaky Move Uber and Lyft Are Using to Lower Their Tax Bill

Gig corporations like Uber and Lyft avoid paying millions in taxes by treating drivers as independent businesses, impacting other employers. [ more ]
Yahoo News
1 month ago
Remote teams

Bosses mandated them back to the office. They took legal action instead.

Workers are taking employers to court over return-to-office mandates. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago

Gay couple files class-action lawsuit against NYC for IVF coverage

New York City faces lawsuit for IVF discrimination against gay male employees. [ more ]
2 months ago

What abortion politics has to do with new rights for pregnant workers

Employers must accommodate pregnant workers under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, but abortion politics have overshadowed these new rights. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago

Supreme Court case could spark rush of reverse-discrimination claims

The Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could have significant implications for workplace discrimination claims.
Civil rights groups argue that valid workplace discrimination claims are often dismissed due to a requirement to prove harm by employers. [ more ]
8 months ago

Valentine's Day "Gift" For Employers With California Employees That Work Under Noncompete Agreements

California has created a cause of action for employees to challenge non-compete agreements
New law requires employers to give notice to employees that non-competes are void [ more ]
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